Saturday, June 16, 2012

Why rock music 'brings out the animal in us'

Something I read on

Why rock music 'brings out the animal in us'

Rock music such as Jimi Hendrix-style electric guitar excites us because it recreates the sound of primal distress calls and "brings out the animal in us", scientists claim.

Hearing similar sound patterns, like Hendrix's distorted version of Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock in 1969, sends a shiver down our spine because we are programmed to react strongly to the harsh noise, researchers said Photo: Rex
Sudden, jarring changes in pitch and frequency play on the same emotional mechanisms as the signals which animals use to alert one another of danger, a study found.
When animals cry out in distress they force a large amount of air through their voice box very quickly, producing a discordant effect designed to grab the attention and provoke an emotional response in other animals.
Hearing similar sound patterns, like Hendrix's distorted version of Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock in 1969, sends a shiver down our spine because we are programmed to react strongly to the harsh noise, researchers said.
The same goes for discordant music associated with horror films – such as the screeching soundtrack to the shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho – but not for generic "elevator music" which lacks jolting changes in sound or volume.
Researchers also found that while dissonant music stirs up strong emotions, these are usually linked to negative feelings like fear or sadness rather than happy ones.
Greg Bryant, assistant professor of communication studies at the University of California, Los Angeles and one of the study authors, said: "This study helps explain why the distortion of rock-and-roll gets people excited: It brings out the animal in us.
"Composers have intuitive knowledge of what sounds scary without knowing why. What they usually don't realise is that they're exploiting our evolved predispositions to get excited and have negative emotions when hearing certain sounds."
The scientists tested their theory by composing several 10-second pieces of original music which were either designed to be generic and emotionally neutral throughout, or to begin in "easy listening" style before suddenly becoming distorted.
Student volunteers who listened to both types of music found the distorted music more exciting and more charged with negative emotion, the researchers reported in the Biology Letters journal.
In a follow-up study the same compositions were set to emotionally neutral video clips such as people walking or taking a sip from a coffee cup.
A separate group of volunteers did not find the jarring music more arousing, but perceived it to be more negative, showing that the bland film "did not trump the emotional content of the music", researchers said.

Monday, February 13, 2012


So Ive been looking in to alot about this strawman that we all have. I totally believe in it. I think America is a business or corporation ran by Great Britian or something. We are all mutual funds in a stack market of people. I mean it makes sence. Birth certificates an ss cards have only existed sense the 1930. They build all this Capital one people. Notice your name on your birth certificate is in all capital letters. Coincedence I think not. I am agains the government. I like the control in a way the keeping the peace and things are something we need but its a very corrupt system. If you get on fidelity mutual funds and type in the red nmber on your birth certificate you will get your strawmans worth. I have yet to do this because I have to get my birth certificate but my aunt has and on her childen. Its disturbing!!  I have composed some things I have found over the weeks about Strawmen an included them here.

mutual fund


mu·tu·al fund
mu·tu·al funds Plural


type of investment company: an investment company that uses members' capital to buy a diverse group of stocks from other companies
Youtube videos
 MORE TO COME..............................

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Update on Katy Perry and Russell Brand-- check out Gossip Spot page!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Wolf Creek 2 - like # 1 wasnt enough!

Wolf Creek

Exciting news for fans of Australia's most famous Outback serial killer - Mick Taylor - played by John Jarratt in 2005's Wolf Creek. The pig shooting, tourist killing psychopath is going to be back bloodier and bigger than ever, according to Jarratt.

Australian correspondent Maria Lewis (@moviemazz) spoke to Jarratt about the sequel at the Gold Coast Film Festival where he's promoting his new horror/thriller Needle. Jarratt said Wolf Creek 2 is scheduled to begin shooting in Victoria, Australia on February 27 and audiences can expect "a lot more action".

"It's more of a road film this time with a lot of chasing going on on everything from cars to horses," he said.

"There's also a chase that ends up back in a cave, his lair.

"And of course, there's plenty of blood and guts."

Writer/director Greg McLean (Rogue) is returning to take the reigns and Jarratt said he has "more room to play" with a budget ten times larger than the original.

"Wolf Creek was made for $1.2 million and this is around $10 million, maybe a bit more," he said.

"We're getting to throw trucks off cliffs and a bunch of other stuff I can't talk about."

The highly anticipated Wolf Creek 2 follows one unlucky backpacker (is there any other kind?) who, seeking an authentic Australian adventure, learns the deepest, darkest secrets of the Outback's most infamous serial killer Mick Taylor (Jarratt). For those who shamefully haven't seen the original, Wolf Creek was one of the scariest flicks of 2005 and followed three backpackers who fell victim to Taylor's wrath.

Grossing more than $50 million at the worldwide box office, it cemented the phrase "head on a stick" into the minds of horror fans everywhere. It also featured a critically acclaimed performance from Jarratt, who was better known in Australia for his work on children's and lifestyle programs. The veteran actor said he was "very excited" to return to his most iconic role.

"It's been a long time coming - over five years now," he said.

"But the script is fantastic."

Wolf Creek 2 is slated with a 2013 release.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Horse Slaughter for Human Consumption Approved

This so sickens me! What could be so yummy about eating a horse. I mean I love meat dont get me wrong but a horse??? Would you eat your cat or dog? Just saying, horses are not raised for meat consumption like pigs, cows, and chickens.!

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” - Gandhi

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